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Live Webinar

Optimizing Generative AI Models for Production

Tuesday, July 11, 2023 @ 11:00 am PST

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About the Webinar

Large language models and other generative AI models present a unique set of challenges when implemented in production environments. Their extensive size and complexity often result in high operational costs and reduced inference speed, especially when scaling up. The optimization of these models requires a distinct set of tools and techniques, as traditional methods used for smaller deep-learning models prove insufficient.

In our upcoming webinar, we’ll address these challenges, explore advanced model optimization techniques, and show how companies leverage Deci’s Infery library to reduce cloud costs and boost the inference speed of their generative-ai applications.  

Join our webinar to: 

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the unique challenges of deploying LLMs and other generative models at scale.
  • Explore advanced techniques for optimizing these models
  • Discover case studies showcasing how Deci's customers are leveraging the Infery library. 

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Meet The Speaker

Ofer Baratz-1

Ofer Baratz 
Director of Product